Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I miss Will and Ashwin. It feels like both are in different countries.

While Elise was in Vegas last weekend, I completed a myspace page for some of my newer solo music.

Check it Out:


PS: Yes, I meditated over the Golden Gate Bridge in really life. And yes, my life's ambitions are nearly complete.


lisey said...

1. you misspelled Aswin's name.
2. I miss Aswin too. come Back. And i would miss Will too if we didn't live close to each other. But what the heck, I still miss Will.
3. Ned nice Myspace! love it.
4. you're cool.
5. We will be missing you, Ned, and Joe while Mom and Dad and Marco visit tonight! party hard. ;)

Nedderbutters said...

hahahaaa I,
Firstly: would like to apologize to asswin. for mispelling his name.
Secondly: ok, I may have misspelled it again on purpose.
Thirdly: Thirdly is not a word I think, soo i meant third.
Fourth: I just uploaded a new song on this myspace page with Sebastian Fraser playin some sick legit Cello. Feel free to access your ears to pleasing sounds of love and joy.
Fifth: I miss you Elise.
Sixth: ok I miss everybody else too including marco