Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sad news guys

Foofi passed away 2 days ago. He was found stuck half way in the tube in the cage. I think he has stomach problems. He ate too much too soon. Maybe diabetes. But he did get fat and lazy the past couple of months. If there's a hamster heaven,he'll be there.
He will be missed greatly.


lisey said...

this made me tear.

his epilogue.

To foofi: a hamster above any other.
Too bad he never had a lover.
He lived a good life.
Played much and had little strife.
In life, much he did discover.
In death much he will uncover.

(made at 12:30 pm.)

honestly I am very sorry aswin. I didn't even get enough bonding time with foofi! I hope he had a proper burial!!

lisey said...

ps. this is not a real picture of foofi! This is an imposter.