Sunday, January 23, 2011

Funniest thing i've seen in years!!

Good Books, Good Looks

Anybody else think the little girl in this advertisement resembles mom in her youth?

Go. Read. Learn.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


He's only 18 years away from 40. But we Love him. Happy Birthday! We were glad we could celebrate together.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


My step-cousin david clark called yesterday to express condolences about marco. he reminded me of how i took him to his first post-mission dance at byu and helped him reaclimate to civilian life! i told him i had kids at byu now and he asked if my daughter was there. "Does she look like you?" Unusual question from a guy, I thought.
"Yes, she really does," I answered. "Except more of a brunette than blonde."
"Then she's a knock-out! Cause you were. And she's gonna have no trouble at BYU!"
I relayed this lovely message to dad and was gratified to hear him tell me "that's what I've been saying, honey!"
By the way, David Clark formed Synergy International Inc. ( which is the oldest energy saving company in America--30 years old this year. They show utility companies how to save money during peak usage hours so that utilities don't have to build as many power plants.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Intro to Art and DRAWING

So after ceramics class last semester, I am on to my next art endeavor: a drawing class! This is both my wildest dream and biggest fear.

For our first assignment we drew self-portraits. And to be completely honest I am not sure it is as good as Will's portrait of me that turned into John Lennon, but at least I thoroughly enjoyed making it.

Mom do you like it as much as you liked my ceramic mask? ;) love ya.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sweet poem I heard on the radio today.

by Sharon Olds

By the time I was six months old, she knew something
was wrong with me. I got looks on my face
she had not seen on any child
in the family, or the extended family,
or the neighborhood. My mother took me in
to the pediatrician with the kind hands,
a doctor with a name like a suit size for a wheel:
Hub Long. My mom did not tell him
what she thought in truth, that I was Possessed.
It was just these strange looks on my face—
he held me, and conversed with me,
chatting as one does with a baby, and my mother
said, She’s doing it now! Look!
She’s doing it now! and the doctor said,
What your daughter has
is called a sense
of humor. Ohhh, she said, and took me
back to the house where that sense would be tested
and found to be incurable.