Friday, March 14, 2008

McCain 2008

In light of the fact and because there are rumors and talk that Romney may be VP, and mostly because everyone has the need of seeing this. . .
Remember that Bush has always been a punny man in addition to being a great President.


lisey said...

okay, that's the first and only thing I've seen that's given me hope for America since Romney dropped out of the race. THANK YOU MCCAIN. and whoever posted this who I bet was Joe. xxoo. love mom who doesn't know her password

lisey said...

Joe, this is the real lisey and this is the bomb! haha. . man I hope those rumors about Mitt are true! I would love for him to be VP.

Will said...

how can I change my name to lisey like everyone else is doing?

Unknown said...

Just one political bit/ OPINION -- the next pres. will get to pick the next few Supreme Court Justices. Right now it's 1 judge away from a conservative majority. So--if its McCain. . . there could be several years of conservative justice. Even on things like abortion, same sex marriage, God in the government, etc. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps . . . or we might just get a president who sings Streisand.

Aby Runyan said...

Hey FAMILY - for the record, it's

I won't hold it against you so long as you:
1. change the spelling on your links
2. pay for my mental suffering caused by this heinous mistake.

That second one is optional.
luvs, aby

Unknown said...

TRUE. Aby, I am so sorry about that spelling faupaux. Thanks I've changed it since your comment. Also, did you know that is an adult diaper website. Incidently, is a Florida resort website impressively CLASSY and republican to boot.

Unknown said...

We all remember that Florida made questionable checkings of its own and ultimately the result was a positive one.