Monday, October 4, 2010

Well, you know all about the coolness of sites like which is extremely useful for finding good teachers your first few years of college and getting the low down on how they teach and how tough they are.  But do you know about  I recently found out about another way cool site--

The premise is that you can keep track of and rate/review all the books you read.  They have pretty much every book ever on the site and you can read synopses or updates on new books by favorite authors.  You can also "friend" your friends and see what they read or recommend.

I am on this, Jeremy Foote and some others are too.  I like it because then I can look back at great books I've read from time to time.  I think the coolest thing here is that there are a lot of serious readers on it so that if you want some great opinions on what books to read you can rub shoulders with the wits of your very own wise-man.  You need their names or emails to find people (a lot of people go by first name only).  My email is


lisey said...

I like this. And I especially think it is perfect for you who reads CONSTANTLY! did you friend Dave and Lydia yet?

aswin said...

sweet, do you guys still have teh book club?
I was gonna suggest some reading.

Unknown said... could read along...right now we are doing 'Freakonomics' by Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner

Unknown said...

we'll be reading until the end of October (29th ish)